The FRIS foundation for children
The foundation ‘Stichting FRIS Voor Kinderen’ was set up in 2015, at the initiative of Managing Director Hans Peter Fris and Marc Poelmann. It is based on the idea that ‘a place of one’s own is a fundamental human need’. The foundation asserts that every child has the right to their own, safe place in which their well-being can flourish.
Vulnerable children in the Netherlands
Your donation will benefit vulnerable children in the Netherlands who, due to circumstances, can no longer live at home and have no money to play sports.
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100% of all donations will go to the FRIS for kids foundation.
With your help, we can contribute together to the partial renovation of a youth care location and organise the ‘FRIS for kids sports days’ (FRIS Voor Kinderen Sportdagen). Donations are tax deductible.
For donations larger than 750 euros please first email frisvoorkinderen@fris.nl.
We donate part of our turnover to the FRIS for kids foundation
FRIS raises money for the FRIS for kids foundation through the above activities. Every year we also donate part of our turnover and an amount for Christmas gifts to the foundation. Your financial donation to the foundation, or your support in the form of donated professional services, will help vulnerable children in the Netherlands.

Find out more about our foundation
view our policy
The foundation aims to achieve its objective by:
Providing financial support to projects and institutions.
Initiating, encouraging and facilitating publicity and initiatives concerning vulnerable children and safe living environments.
Raising awareness of this issue through presentations, meetings and collaboration.
Building a network in the real estate world and, driven by our commitment to society, striving to provide specific, sustainable solutions to housing and housing issues that affect the quality of life of vulnerable children.
50,000 vulnerable children in the Netherlands need a safe place and a home
Our FRIS for kids foundation focuses on more than 50,000 vulnerable children in the Netherlands who need a safe place and a home as the basis for a fresh start in life.
For many it’s not a given – a secure, carefree childhood, in a pleasant environment, in which children can play, develop, learn and thus grow up as a child to develop, naturally, into a confident, rounded, adult human being.

fris merchandise
You can play a leading role in improving this situation.
Buy one of our items now and show your own, 100% support for these kids, by supporting our foundation and its aims! Each item bears a label or logo of the FRIS for kids foundation. And all items are produced organically and sustainably.